Bear With Me

I'm new to this Blog scene so bear with me please. I'm not trying to do too much with this site. My intentions aren't to self promote myself, just want you to enjoy a little bit of what I enjoy. You know, bring you closer to my world.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Where to Now?

This question (also the title to one of the songs off Comeback Season) was one that Drake seemed to be asking himself. Yet he seemed to have known the answer all along. In the song he foretells the start of his career by saying "If 09 is when imma see mine, being cool aint enough man, imma freeze time..." Now, this mixtape was released on 07, yet 2 years later everything he said is deemed to be valid. Coincidence? Or is Drake a secretive wizard? Lol jk. Opinions!

1 comment:

    a real wizard
